
The OV Content Hub showcases articles, blogs, and research papers written by seasoned experts, thought leaders, and industry veterans. Through these featured expertise, gain invaluable insights into the dynamics of executive recruitment, industry trends, plus the ever-evolving landscape of technology and financial services. Our content not only provides visionary perspectives but also offers practical tips, strategies, and best practices for those involved in executive hiring or seeking to advance their careers.

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The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Effective Leadership

To be an effective leader, there is often information overload about what “effective” truly looks like. For some, effective leadership is being able to get on with your manager, whereas for others, it’s having targets and direction.

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Future Talent Acquisition Strategies and Adopting the Power of AI

AI has impacted almost every corner of our lives, from the apps that we have on our phones to the technology that has been implemented to make our days run smoother. Within the world of work, AI has also had a substantial impact on how teams operate and ultimately, what the future of work could look like.

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Fostering Diversity and Inclusion in Corporate Culture

Fostering diversity and inclusion isn't just a moral imperative – it's a strategic necessity. Companies that embrace diversity reap the rewards of varied perspectives, enhanced innovation, and improved employee satisfaction.

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Mastering the C-Suite Balancing Act: Challenges and Strategies for Executives

As we enter a new year, Executives are going to be called upon to bring a fresh approach to leadership as well as organisational operations. 2023 was a challenging year for many organisations, from the economic downturn through to teething transformation issues - we have been at the forefront of the difficulties faced.  

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Leveraging Data and Analytics in Executive Search

Data is king, especially in the world of Executive Search. Over the past four years, we’ve worked incredibly hard to ensure that we are equipped with the best methodologies and technology to support us in the Executive hiring process. 

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Our Do’s and Dont’s for Leading Through Turbulent Markets

Economic uncertainty is the new constant, and leading through turbulent markets can feel like a never-ending challenge. The great thing is that change is the only constant that we are guaranteed - so it’s safe to say that if you’re experiencing present hardship, there will be good things just around the corner.

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Mastering the Post-Holiday Return

Navigating the return to work after the holiday season demands a strategic approach. The transition from festive relaxation to workplace routine can be a challenge, impacting motivation and productivity for both employers and employees.

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How to set new year goals

As 2024 approaches, New Year’s Resolutions return, forcing us to reflect and set intentions for the year ahead. However, the annual challenge persists: how do we transform these aspirations into tangible achievements?

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Hannah-Jane Roué Hannah-Jane Roué

How to Redefine Roles in an Automated Landscape

AI’s rise in popularity empowers teams to do their jobs efficiently and effectively. Despite criticisms of AI, on the whole, it’s something that we are all going to be impacted by at some point in our careers.

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Hannah-Jane Roué Hannah-Jane Roué

The Strategic Journey of Executive Leaders into AI Adoption

AI and automation is causing a lot of disruption within financial services, and not in a bad way, either. From moving to cloud-based platforms as well as automating processes to make teams more efficient, the financial services sector is getting a re-vamp.

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The Executive Circle

The Executive Circle

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